Subtask D: Dissemination

Summary Report of Task Workshops & Trainings
Summary Report of Task Workshops & Trainings
Subtask D: Dissemination
June 2024 - PDF 3.75MB

The goal of work package D-D5 was to organize four half-day workshops dedicated to the industrial players (manufacturers and installers, consultants, policy makers) in Sunbelt countries. This goal has been exceeded with eleven workshops and trainings organized and conducted for 567 participants over the four years of Task 65. This document lists the individual workshops and trainings as well as gives general information on each of them. Detailed workshop and training agendas can be found in the Appendix.

Summary Report on List of Stakeholders and Activities
Summary Report on List of Stakeholders and Activities
Subtask D: Dissemination
June 2024 - PDF 1.81MB

The goal of work package D-D6 was to identify key stakeholders around the Sunbelt countries. Those stakeholders should be invited to try the technology in demonstration projects. Involvement of stakeholders through one-to-one meetings, workshops, conferences, etc. in their countries.

This document describes the identification process, which first involved collecting 90 individuals and organisations from the entire Task 65 observer list. Second, an initial email was sent to 44 individuals and organisations in Sunbelt countries identified from this collection. Third, a second email and questionnaire were sent to 19 individuals and organisations who expressed interest in proceeding. The analysis of questionnaire feedback provided a comprehensive list of topics of interest to stakeholders in Sunbelt countries, Finally, 5 individuals and organisations expressed interest in becoming more involved in the objectives of Task 65.

Business Models and Financing Options for Solar Cooling
Business Models and Financing Options for Solar Cooling
Subtask D: Dissemination
May 2024 - PDF 1.34MB

This document is the final report on activity D2 “Policy advise & financing models”. Activity D2b on financing models provides relevant information about new financing schemes suitable for solar cooling. As solar cooling solutions typically require high upfront capital expenditures. They may also be perceived as risky by potential clients due to their complexity or unfamiliarity with solar cooling technologies. These and other non-technical barriers underscore the importance of developing client- and service-oriented solar cooling solutions for greater market penetration – in particular in the Sunbelt regions. However, a common language in this interdisciplinary developmental area is missing, which limits effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

Roadmaps for Solar Cooling in Sunbelt Countries
Roadmaps for Solar Cooling in Sunbelt Countries
Subtask D: Dissemination
May 2024 - PDF 2.27MB

This document is the final report on activity D3 “Roadmaps for solar cooling in Sunbelt countries”. Activity D3 is dedicated to provide guidelines and recommendations on the development of roadmaps and policy recommendations to accelerate and spread the development of solar cooling technologies. A literature review provides information and compares exemplary roadmaps and documents on cooling demand and solar technologies, respectively. The review results identify promising methods and possibilities in roadmap and implementation plan formulation. Furthermore, existing roadmap manuals and analyses and Task 65 results are introduced to provide background information and to collect input for new roadmap and policy recommendations. The screening and review outcomes indicate that a linkage between the solar cooling technologies and their potential field of application on a national scale, directly targeting the most fruitful operation, is promising.