Posted: September 18, 2024

The workshop is organized by the IEA Task 71 project: Life Cycle and Cost Assessment for Heating and Cooling Technologies. The focus is on the latest advancements in Life Cycle and Cost Assessment for Heating and Cooling Technologies. Presentations are given by decision influencers and industry partners on how they see opportunities and challenges on the use of LCA and LCoH in connection with the transition of the heating and cooling sectors towards sustainable solutions. The workshop provides a unique opportunity to engage with experts, share knowledge, and explore new ideas within the field.

The workshop takes place in meeting room 1, Building 101, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark on October 8, 2024, 1:00 pm -5:00 pm

The workshop is both physical and online. Please register for the workshop no later than October 1, 2024 on the website:

Workshop Agenda:
12:30 Registration and coffee
13:00 Welcome, Karl-Anders Weiss, ISE Fraunhofer, Germany
13:10 EU policy aspects, energy labelling and eco-design for sustainable products.
By Philippe Riviere, European Commission - online
13:25 Transforming heating systems as part of the energy transition.
By Mihai Tomescu, European Environment Agency
13:40 Life Cycle Analysis and Renewables: a growing agenda and an opportunity for Solar Heat?
By Valérie Séjourné, Solar Heat Europe, ESTIF - online
13:55 National requirements on LCA for buildings and for energy systems. View on LCoH(E).\
By Lau Raffnsøe, Danish Green Building Council, Denmark
14:10 Coffee break
14:30 Task 71 information. Investigated energy systems. Database for energy systems.
By Karl-Anders Weiss, ISE Fraunhofer, Germany
14:45 Quantifying the Environmental Implications Of Solar Thermal Technologies: A Comprehensive
Examination Of Life Cycle Impacts and Payback Periods.
By Maria Zagorulko, Naked Energy Ltd., United Kingdom - online
15:00 Practical experiences from Energy Systems Relevant for LCA and LCoH(E)
By Jonas Ilum Sørensen, Aalborg CSP, Denmark
15:15 Discussion in smaller groups. Pre-decide questions for each group.
Each group will also be allowed to pose one question to the decision makers or companies for
the final panel discussion
16:00 Results from the groups, along with a panel discussion with policymakers and companies
By Simon Furbo, DTU, Denmark
16:45 End of workshop, network and sandwiches, Karl-Anders Weiss, ISE Fraunhofer, Germany





Registration and coffee




Karl-Anders Weiss, ISE Fraunhofer, Germany


Transforming heating systems as part of the energy transition.

By Mihai Tomescu, European Environment Agency


Life Cycle Analysis and Renewables: a growing agenda and an opportunity for Solar Heat?

By Lau Raffnsøe, Danish Green Building Council, Denmark



Task 71 information. Investigated energy systems. Database for energy systems.

By Karl-Anders Weiss, ISE Fraunhofer, Germany



Coffee break



Discussion in smaller groups.



Results from the groups, along with a panel discussion with policymakers and companies.

By Simon Furbo, DTU, Denmark



End of workshop, network and sandwiches.